有的人甚至在说 I am sorry, I cann't …这样的礼貌用语时,也会面露难色,感觉拒绝别人实在太不好意思了,实在对不起人家;
I wish I could, but…
- Can you attend my wedding next Monday?
- I wish I could, but I am leaving for Europe this weekend for a business meeting.
- Could you please just stay another an hour?
- I wish I could, but it is too late and I have to go home.
- You are my only friend in this city, can you lend me some money?
- I wish I could, but I am broke this month and have maxed out(刷爆) all my credit cards.
I wish, but…
I wish…
- I love you at my first sight, can you be my girlfriend?
- I wish…
- Can you come over to my house joining us for the party tonight?
- I wish…
因此,当你下次拒绝别人的时候,千万不要忘了还有这么一个既简单又实用的短语,尤其是当你拒绝别人感到难为情的时候,I wish I could, but …就派上大用场了,你的口语也会顿时展现出几分native speaker的味道来。
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